This page provides resources for athletes, sport psychology professionals, parents, and coaches and includes links to information about some of the methods I use in my sport and performance psychology work.
Professional Associations
Association for Applied Sport Psychology (
Founded in 1986, AASP promotes the development of science and ethical practice in the field of sport psychology. AASP is an international, multidisciplinary, professional organization that offers certification to qualified professionals in the field of sport, exercise, and health psychology. This website contains helpful information for athletes, professionals, parents and coaches.
APA Division 47, Sport & Exercise Psychology (
Division 47 of the American Psychological Association seeks to further the clinical, educational and scientific foundations of exercise and sport psychology. This site provides resources for sport psychology professionals.
Methods Used at Boston Sport and Performance Psychology
The Nine Mental Skills of Successful Athletes (
Developed by Dr. Jack J. Lesyk, Director of the Ohio Center for Sport Psychology, the “Nine Mental Skills of Successful Athletes” is a framework for helping athletes and their coaches understand the mental aspects of high-level performance. Boston Sport and Performance Psychology uses this framework to assess athletes’ current mental skills and plan for improvement. Visit Dr. Lesyk’s website for more detailed information.
This interview with Dr. Jennifer Lendl discusses what EMDR-PEP (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing-Performance Enhancement Psychology) is and how it can help athletes.
HRV Biofeedback (
Visit this website to learn more about HRV (heart rate variability) biofeedback and how it can reduce stress and anxiety and improve attention, memory and problem solving. Talk to Dr. Zucker for information about how biofeedback has helped athletes and performers.
Trauma, Abuse & Bullying
Safe4Athletes (
Safe4Athletes is a nonprofit organization that advocates for athlete welfare, where every athlete is provided a safe and positive environment free of abuse, bullying, and harassment. Visit their website for information for athletes, parents, and organizations.